Make Vet Visits Happier Starting At Home

We learned that Sofie does best with: Thundershirt, Calming Cap, non-slip mat and Peanut Butter!

We learned that Sofie does best with: Thundershirt, Calming Cap, non-slip mat and Peanut Butter!

At Stow Kent Animal Hospital, Portage Animal Clinic and Stow Falls Pet Clinic we strive to make visits to the veterinary hospital less stressful for pets and their family. We utilize many tools at the hospital to make these visits more pleasant for our patients. Some of the products that we have implemented include: pheromones, food, music, non slip mats, towels, Thundershirts and Calming Caps. There are things that owners can implement at home prior to coming to the vet to help contribute to happy vet visits. Continue reading